Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Trend: USA Spirit is So-chi(c)!

Words cannot describe how much I love our country, our beloved U.S.A. No where else can we have the freedom to say what's on our mind, pray to whichever God we choose, and live the American Dream. I only wish to grow up to continue living the American Dream like so many people I know. From the palm trees of Miami, to the city lights of New York City, to the deserts of California, the U.S.A. is so diverse in so many ways. While I was watching the opening ceremony moments ago, I couldn't help thinking how lucky I am to live in such a fabulous country. Want to know another fabulous thing about the U.S.A.? Our opening ceremony outfits. Yes, that's right. United States athletes showed off their Ralph Lauren Olympic cardigans. I was practically squealing with glee while watching the U.S. strut their spirit, pride, and fashion as they were announced. From the flag patch, to "2014" to the olympic rings, to the stars and stripes, it's perfect in every way. Most importantly, it's a symbol for how much pride we take in living in the greatest country in the world, and I'm darn proud to say it.

To all my readers: what do you love about the U.S.A.?

Regina Anne

Ralph Lauren Olympic Page


  1. The USA is such a nice place to live! Honestly there's so much freedom! I think the best thing about the United States is how diverse it is and how it's sort of just a big mix of different cultures!

    XOXO, Kate

    1. I definitely agree! It really is the melting pot of all cultures!


  2. I'm loving the Olympics!

    And I love way to many things to list about the USA :)

    AJ |
